Central Ground Water Authority (C.G.W.A.) has been formed under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to regulate and control development and management of ground water resources in the country. Withdrawal of ground water by industries/projects in over-exploited and Critical Assessment Units is regulated by C.G.W.A.
C.G.W.A. is controlling withdrawal of ground water by industries/ projects in 839 Over-exploited and 226 Critical Assessment Units. List of these critical areas has been disseminated to the State Pollution Control Boards and Ministry of Environment & Forests which refer the new industries/ projects to C.G.W.A. for obtaining permission.
As a part of regulation, NOC from C.G.W.A. has to be acquired before construction of any ground water abstraction structure. Sagar & Co. offers complete C.G.W.A. NOC consultant in India for permission of use of underground water by commercial entity or organization.
Sagar & Co. provides complete CGWA NOC so that industries or infrastructures can be able withdraw underground water through submersible pumping; we follow :